Wine tasting in Paso Robles, Ca

On Memorial Day we packed up the car and headed north … final destination Pismo Beach. Other stops included: Santa Barbara, Arroyo Grande, Morro Bay, San Luis Obispo and of course Paso Robles…

Every now and then I get a longing to drive through these rollings hills where I once lived… my childhood full of memories of beach days, camping trips, playing with frogs in the creek and that sweet feeling of surrender… so we made it happen! After MUCH deliberation we planned our trip… and wouldn’t trade it for the world!

So today I am finally getting around to blog about our wine tasting tour through Paso Robles…

We parked downtown Paso Robles and waited for the The Wine Line bus to pick us up. How does The Wine Line work? Well, like a true tour bus…

Of course you can check out their website for the full story.

Lori Jean’s version? Riders can hop off the bus at any vineyard or tasting room, hang out for a while, and then hop back on the bus when they’re ready to move on to the next stop… and for the record, they are THE best way to experience Paso Robles’ vineyards!

Since we’d never been through wine country in Paso Robles before we let them suggest which vineyards we should stop at and in which order. There was 1 additional couple on the bus with us… and we all just tagged along and enjoyed the day together. Afterall, we do love talking to strangers, meeting new people and finding out what we have in common… it was a perfect day!

Come with us on the pictorial review of our tour… ?

How wine tasting works in Paso Robles
As we visited various vineyards we found each vineyard has a different deal on prices for tasting. One place gave us 5 free tastings, another let us try ALL 10 of their wines for $3 and others were the standard $5 for 5 tastings. And yet another waived the tasting fee if we bought a bottle of wine.

You see, the proprietors want you to taste their wine in hopes that you’ll buy wine (and buy a lot of it). Obviously they don’t make much on selling tastings… they make their money by selling wine. (And sending people like us home share pics and talk about how great the wine is, friendly the vineyard staff is and how priceless an experience it all was!)

We started at Castoro Cellars … where we learned they are currently bottling the “Coastal” brand for Trader Joe’s. (note to self!)

The vineyard and grounds look like you’d expect a vineyard to look like. There is a long walkway up to the tasting room, rolling hills of vineyards, a large patio with chairs and tables placed strategically to enjoy the view, bundles of California poppies and lavendar speckling the planters and large empty barrels sitting about.

The tasting room was as comfortable as my imaginary italian aunt’s home … the walls painted in warm yellow tones and rich cabinetry… sofas and chairs and a big fireplace. Our Wine Line Guide was right… this was the perfect place to start!

While I had been wine tasting once or twice at local tasting rooms my hero-of-a-hubby has not. So we asked for the beginner’s tour at our first vineyard stop. The friendly wine steward took her time to help us become comfortable with the “in’s and out’s” of tasting. She explained “how” flavors work, how to taste, how to ALWAYS ignore the first sip and to judge the wine off of the second taste.

She was patient with us, funny, knowledgable and excited about 2 particular wines that we couldn’t wait to taste!

We tried 5 wines for FREE and bought a 2007 Zinfusion (this was not her favorite – but it WAS in our price range). Perfect way to start the tour!

I took a gander through their shop and stopped briefly in front of the syrups, jams, marinades, etc.

I could literally sit here all day… but alas, this is the just the beginning. We had several more hours of this.

So I kept walking…

Afterall, this is just the first stop!

We came, we tasted, we conquered! Time to hop back in the bus and move on to vineyard/tasting room #2…

Tasting #2 at Zenaida Cellars – surrounded by yet another awe-inspiring view from the patio…

This tasting room had a completely different feel to it… dark black-brown painted cabinetry, antiqued gray-tan walls, blue neon lights hanging from the ceiling. Just felt a bit more “cool” and updated, like a downtown loft.

We enjoyed 5 wines for a small fee… and took home their Zc Red. While my hubby was paying our bill I took the opportunity to stroll around their property a bit…

And you guessed it, again I found that I wanted to sit here all day!

But no sitting was going to be done quite yet. I just couldn’t… afterall, it’s only noon! We’ve got some more touring and tasting to do! Let’s get a wiggle on…

Tasting #3 – (admittedly, my favorite stop of the day)… AronHill Vineyards

We drove up, climbed out of the van and saw THIS view…

Now THIS?! THIS is where I was going to sit for a while.

I mean, can you blame me?! Look at that view! It was a perfect 71 degrees outside with a slight breeze and we were among fantastic company!

Our Wine Line guide brought out the pre-ordered lunches (sandwich, potato salad and fruit) as we were treated to a remarkable wine tasting affair.

It is apparent that Judy, the proprietor of Aron Hill Vineyards, is in love with what she does on a daily basis! Not only did she personally deliver our tastings and talked to us about each wine… but she had a smile on her face and a twinkle in her eye that showed me she has found her passion in life and is living it outloud!

Can I tell you how much I love that?!

We sat, enjoyed lunch, enjoyed 5 tastings and took in this view…

We didn’t rush to get up and Nic, our Wine line guide, talked to us about the history of this region, how certain aspects of the wine industry work and his personal travels.

We brought home a bottle of the best wine we’d tasted all day, Judy’s 2006 Primitivo and two pieces of her stemware.

We helped ourselves to a self-guided tour of her new tasting room (it opened less than a month ago), which included her new shiny (and fully-stocked) chef’s kitchen where they will soon start preparing/selling food for lunches, etc. I noted she had a few panini presses and said “Oh – we’ll be back!”

Let it be known – the tour could have been over at this point. My expectations had been greatly exceeded and the rest of the day paled in comparison… (sorry in advance to the next 2 vineyards, I’m just sayin’… )

Tasting #4 at Norman Vineyards … known for their Monster Zinfandel. We brought home 2 bottles…

It was obvious they were cat lovers (that’s neither a good or bad thing) … not to mention the company logo.

I enjoyed strolling around their property with my camera, and of course with the cats following every move…

And it was time to get back in the bus…

Tasting #5 at Rotta Winery… the oldest family-owned winery in San Luis Obispo county.

As soon as I walked in I wondered if I was on the set of “Will & Grace”. Why? Our wine steward was the spittin’ image of Karen! Rather weird and comical all at the same time… but I didn’t say anything to her until the end.

On one end of the bar was a group of 3 guys who had obviously been drinking (oh, rather “tasting”) for a good portion of the day (and one who smelled pretty ripe, I might say)… these boys were “good ol’ boys” and were giving the wine steward quite the trouble. But it was all in fun…

Here we enjoyed a taste of each of their wines (I think a dozen of them?) for $3! Yes, only $3. We were definitely feeling our wine at this point…

Look at all those awards! They wanted us to TASTE what made them so good!

Ugh… it was now about 4:30 pm and we had been “tasting” since 11 am. Phew… I needed to sit down again (while I’m on that subject – why don’t these tasting rooms have chairs to sit in?!)… but the tv show look-alike was keeping us on our toes!

We brought home the 2007 Estate Zinfandel… she explained that this was the reason we came in today. And she was right! It’s pretty darn fantastic!

As we said our goodbyes at Rotta I asked the wine steward if anyone had ever mentioned her uncanny resemblance to Karen of “Will & Grace”… she laughed out loud (just like Karen, of course) and said “NO – but I love it!”

Then we hopped back in the bus, rehydrating with WATER and took the leisurely drive back into town… and our thoughtful and helpful Wine Line driver dropped us at a dinner locale downtown Paso Robles, just about a block from where we had parked. We slowly ate dinner, drank WATER and chatted over the favorite’s of the day, how we were impressed with the whole experience, etc.

We eventually walked back towards the truck and made our way back to our hotel in Pismo Beach.

We talked about how glad we were to have been able to experience this, and dreamed about how soon we can come back! We are glad we toured Paso Robles for our first wine tasting tour together… it was a complete experience!

(And we have half of a case of wine to prove it! Sheesh!)

Best part of it, my hero-of-a-hubby and I haven’t gotten away (just the two of us) for quite a number o years. We relished in the opportunity to reconnect, dream and relax together. What a treat…

And I leave you with this…

“When wine enlivens the heart, may friendship surround the table.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes

enjoy your time in the kitchen…

Fun with Lee’s co-workers

The group of people Lee works with had a post-work party… and they invited the spouses this time. They had just completed a week at work that required a lot of extra blood, sweat and tears. (OK – they’d never admit to the “tears” part… but I had to include it.)

So one of their team offered up his house for a little party. And what a beautiful place they had… a sprawling backyard with eucalyptus trees, vining roses, a pool, lots of little places to sit and ponder life.

I asked them if I could move in.

Lee looked at me strange…

I got to meet his co-workers and their spouses. We ate, we laughed, we had a good time.

And then I took a walk towards the roses. They were calling my name…

I think I’ll just sit here a while and ponder life… Lee wants to take me home tonight. So I’ll soak it up while I can!

I’m sure glad the guys worked hard so we could have a party to celebrate…

art imitating life…

Recently returned from a road trip. Drove to South Lake Tahoe to be with family (which I get to see about once a year). One day while Dad, Mom and myself were driving around the hills of Tahoe (we were NOT stalking the rich and famous!!! we weren’t!!!) we found this stunning chateau. I took a quick shot of it from the passenger’s seat as we were rounding a sharp corner.

So, I’m currently scanning through the nearly 1000 shots I took while “on the road”… and ran across this one!

I just had to post it…

I may or may not have taken pictures in this manner from the driver’s seat on the way up there (and the way back)… no comment!

Friday night in Clovis

Last friday I had the opportunity to check out another farmer’s market: Old Town Clovis Farmers’ Market

Our first stop (oh wait, after the tri-tip sandwiches – which I didn’t get a picture of because my hands were drippy) was the corn! Oh – did we search out the corn…

And wow – this is some special corn! It’s fire-roasted in the husks, then stripped and cleaned. Next, the corn starts to receive layer after layer of tasty-goodness: starting with butter, followed by mayonnaise, followed by parmesan cheese and lastly followed by cayenne pepper!

Exchange it for a few dollars and you’re off to enjoy the rest of the farmers’ market…

Let me introduce you to my friend Heather – she likes the corn! (And that’s an understatement!)

Take a walk with us… see what we saw!

If you haven’t had the chance yet… find a farmers’ market near you! They are full of people-watching opportunities, great fresh produce and some really great times!

But don’t take my word for it… check it out for yourself…

enjoy your time in the kitchen…

more blossoms in my yard…

If you’ve seen my back yard in the last 2-3 years you’d be surprised that anything is even alive back there. And yet I find these blossoms randoming dispersed in various corners of my parched yard.

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And the calla lily that I tended to week after week, and hasn’t blossomed in nearly years?! Look at it now… all it needed was a few years of neglect (oh yeah, and the wettest winter we’ve had in years!)… 😉

This plant started as a bulb from my Grandparents’ yard. They moved out of the area in 2003 and left me with a few bulbs. Gramma will be happy to hear and see that there is finally a blossom on her plant (no thanks to my efforts)!!!

What does the rest of the yard look like?! Glad you asked… ok, maybe not so glad…

(Ahem) This is the yard shortly after we had the 3-4 foot high weeds cleared out. Yes, we neglect our yard. Shame on us… but starting on Sunday we have a “gardener”!!!

Woo hoo! My prayers have been answered! More pictures to come soon… which will include sod, flowers, plants and working sprinklers!

Spring has sprung! I have the proof!!!

On Thursday I hit up Trader Joe’s for some food goods… and couldn’t resist buying myself a hyacinth. When I brought it home it was only a tight cluster of green knobs sitting atop a stem.

By Friday morning around 10:15 am this is what it looked like! I count about 9 open blossoms. It was rapidly coming to life… but there wasn’t much of a scent yet…

Later on Friday afternoon (around 3 pm) I noticed there were even more blossoms… and it was starting to smell like hyacinth in my kitchen! See?! Now I count about 13 open blossoms.

And today?! Look at what I woke up to!!! And on the first day of Spring…

Isn’t she beautiful?!

I’ve moved her from the kitchen window sill to my Grandma’s old table next to the couch… where I currently sit and enjoy my Saturday morning. The birds are chirping outside, rays of sunlight are streaming through the windows and Southern California is waking up to a beautiful first day of Spring.

And me? I’m the most blessed girl on the face of the planet. I’m in love with life…

What a beautiful day…

I decided to go for a drive today…

To look at California Lilacs … and I was surprised with so much beauty!

Not sure why I was surprised… but once again my soul was touched by the beauty of God’s creation!

He created this?!
He gave us all of this?!

Just to show us a glimpse of Heaven?!

To remind us of His love?!

As encouragement to keep trusting Him?!

After all, if He cares enough to feed these plants precariously perched on a hillside… no human waters them, fertilizes them… prunes them.

Just God himself…

And if He cares for the wildflowers… who do not verbally lift praise to Him, testify in His name or serve Him through walking in faith…

How much more is He going to care for us?! Take care of our needs?! Feed us and “fertilize” us… “prune” us and shape us…

What an amazing God…

That He can orchestrate this beauty…

Matthew 6:30-34
“If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

Bistro 221 – pie by the slice on Tuesdays!

I’d like to talk to you a little bit today about carbonara. If you’ve never experienced carbonara you’ll need to find time to seek it out and enjoy it prepared properly. From the taste of it, Bistro 221 in downtown Escondido knows how to do it just right. (I’m not even sure it’s on their regular menu… but it should be!)

Here are the key ingredients: pasta (sometimes spaghetti, fettuccine, etc), bacon or pancetta, pecorino romano cheese, salt/pepper, cream and eggs. The eggs and cream are first whipped up and then tossed in with the other ingredients right at the end. The heat from the steaming pasta just cooks the eggs and the mix becomes this creamy sauce … it really IS a perfect dish!!!

While strolling through the farmers’ market last Tuesday I stumbled across a bit of gourmet pizza: carbonara pizza.

Yes, that’s pasta (in this case fettuccine) on top of that pizza! I think they used slightly different ingredients (I think there was some ricotta in there – see it oozing off the side?!) And it certainly was amazing…

I clearly remember enjoying carbonara for the first time – in Geneva, Switzerland. My parents were visiting while I worked there for a few months and we were strolling around town looking for a quick bite to eat. I had never heard of “carbonara” before… but was feeling adventurous! And was I ever blown away…

I’ve made it a few times at home… but it’s just not the same as it was that cool Spring day in Geneva. Good times…

enjoy your time in the kitchen…